Sorry Armin,
if I have not answered fastly to your first message.

Yes my definition DATA in the mapfile is:

> "the_geom from mytable USING UNIQUE gid using srid=26591"

I have changed the definition DATA with this:

"the_geom from mytable USING UNIQUE gid USING UNIQUE srid=26591"

and now the query search (squery.php) works correctly.

Monday I will be in office and I try to make the modification from suggested
you in squery.php

>try to substitute in squery.php the line ~716
>   $data_list['unique_field'] = trim($tabl[1]);
>   $unique_list = preg_split('/[\s]+/', trim($tabl[1]));
>   $data_list['unique_field'] = trim($unique_list[0]);

I want to be complimented with you for the optimal job of development of the
functionalities of pmapper.

Many thanks Armin.

Armin Burger wrote:
> I guess your DATA definition is of type
> "the_geom from mytable USING UNIQUE gid using srid=26591"
> try to substitute in squery.php the line ~716
>    $data_list['unique_field'] = trim($tabl[1]);
> with
>    $unique_list = preg_split('/[\s]+/', trim($tabl[1]));
>    $data_list['unique_field'] = trim($unique_list[0]);
> For me this solves the problem.
> armin
> Marino Fiorito wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying a postgis layer in pmapper with administrative boundaries.
> > The visualization of map it's ok but the query on the column of a layer
> > is not performed and the query returned the following php error:
> >
> > [04-Oct-2006 10:40:15] PHP Warning:  pg_query() [<a
> > href=''></a>]: Query failed: ERROR:
> > syntax error at or near &quot;USING&quot; at character 12 in
> > ..\apps\pmapper\incphp\query\squery.php on line 603
> > [04-Oct-2006 10:40:15] P.MAPPER: PG Query error for : SELECT gid USING
> > SRID=26591,
> >                          xmin(box3d(ogc_geom)),
> >                          ymin(box3d(ogc_geom)),
> >                          xmax(box3d(ogc_geom)),
> >                          ymax(box3d(ogc_geom)),
> >                          cod_prov,cod_com,nome_comune
> >                     FROM comuni_5000
> >                    WHERE  nome_comune ~* 'ROMA'
> >                    LIMIT 301
> > [04-Oct-2006 10:40:15] PHP Warning:  pg_numrows(): supplied argument is
> > not a valid PostgreSQL result resource in
> > ..\apps\pmapper\incphp\query\squery.php on line 607
> >
> > inside the js_config.php the settings of Postgis layer are:
> > searchList['comuni_5000'] = new Array('<?php echo _p("comune") ?>',
> > '#nome_comune', '<?php echo _p("nome comune") ?>','');
> >
> > I think the problem is in the where condition:
> >  WHERE  nome_comune ~* 'ROMA'
> >
> > why squery.php formatted the query like this?
> >
> > have you got any idea about where is my mistake..?
> >
> > thanks. marino
> >
> >
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