no, an easy way unfortunately not. You have to specify the width and 
height in the map.phtml (one cannot read style information set in a CSS 
via javascript). And then modify the resizeDiv() function in pmapper.js 
for all influenced DIV's to adapt their width/height or /top/left. It's 
not a really ideal situation, I know...


Mauricio Stange H. wrote:
> Hello,
>       Is there an easy way to customize the divs layout??. For example, if
> I wan't to add another tool div on the left of the mapFrame, what must be
> edited??. (like settings the mapframe style:left property to 300px for
> making the needed space)
>       I found that there are some css, (layout.css and default.css), but I
> edited them and nothing happens, and if I edit the map.phtml there are some
> elements that don't move and overlap with another ones.
> Thaks
>       Mauricio
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