you are definitely right, obviously i am just trying to figure out with some
"tricks" because i don't know any parts of the code and, first of all, i am
not a software developper...
I will try your solution.
Is it possible to move out of the map the tool bar? (the one on the right
thanks a l
You can of course just drop that DIV, the problems with this (relatively
crappy implemented) control is that then you cannot easily place it
where you want, cannot add backgrounds, transparencies etc. You can also
use the default version of it, just remove the prototype function for it
in pm.ol
Not bad solution could be:
1) remove pmPanZoomBarContainer from index.phtml file
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#map').pmAppendElement('div', {'id': 'pmPanZoomBarContainer'});
2) in \js\ol use files located in \img_g folder as images for
As I mentioned in another post the "PanZoomBarContainer" doesn't work with
OL 2.12 code.
I realised that removing from line 73 of index.phtml
"pmPanZoomBarContainer" it works
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#map').pmAppendElement('div', {'id': 'pmPanZoomBarContainer'});