Without using ReCaptcha — because Google data-mines everything so I don't even 
want to load tech from them on my site — is there a way to fallback to a 
text-based code on forms for captcha when someone is using a screen reader?  

I know this may defeat some of the purpose of using captchas to stop bots. I 
also use a honeypot which can be frustrating when using assistive tech because 
only upon getting an error does it tell the user that they need to ignore the 
"Subject" field that sighted people cannot see.

However, I have blind website viewers since my site is about mental health 
disabilities, it needs to be accessible to the disability community as a whole. 
I was informed of the issue today by someone using assistive technology who 
could not submit comments on my site.  Usually they get an audio captcha on 
other sites. I thought it would fall back to text, but that only happens if the 
server side fails to create images — not if the client side doesn't perceive 

A question captcha might be the best solution that would work with all 
technology :/ a rotating question would be best so it's not always the same 


Thank you,
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