
Maybe you need to organize the edit form in the same mood as what you
have on discogs.com: While editing record releases on discogs, the
input form shows only a "preview/submit" button. Once triggered the
editing form is reloaded with a preview AND the real submit button

On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 11:20 AM Petko Yotov <5...@5ko.fr> wrote:
> On 10/06/2020 10:54, Simon wrote:
> > Are the possible values for  $_REQUEST documented?
> No, but for the edit form these are the name="..." attributes in that
> HTML form fields.
> If something not documented by Pm or by me, it should *not* be
> considered written in stone.
> And if it is, it should be considered written in wiki. ;-)
> Also, PHP has been known to introduce deprecations and incompatibilities
> with what previously used to work. Also, the $_REQUEST variable may hold
> a different value from one server configuration to another
> See:
>    https://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.request-order
>    https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.request.php
> > I want to only preview if I click Save and Edit, I don't want a preview
> > when I click Edit
> >
> > I'm assuming I need to do something like
> > if ($_REQUEST['saveandedit']) {
> >      $_REQUEST['preview'] = 1; # preview page on Save and Edit
> > }
> Almost. It should be more like this:
>    if(@$_POST['postedit']>'') {
>      $_REQUEST['preview'] = 1;
>    }
> Petko
> > On Tue, 9 Jun 2020 at 08:02, Petko Yotov <5...@5ko.fr> wrote:
> >
> >> This in config.php:
> >>
> >>    $_REQUEST['preview'] = 1;
> >>
> >> Note that it always says "Page is unsaved" even when you have pressed
> >> "save and edit". That phrase is in Site.EditForm inside a (:if
> >> e_preview:) conditional, which only checks if a preview is requested,
> >> not if the page was saved.
> >>
> >> Petko
> >>
> >> On 08/06/2020 21:46, Simon wrote:
> >> > Once upon a time I saw some advice on how, when I click save and edit,
> >> > I
> >> > also get a preview without specifically having to click preview as
> >> > well.
> >> >
> >> > I can't re-locate it, so I'm hoping someone can tell me how to get a
> >> > preview  when I click save and edit
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