At 12:45 2002-01-16 +0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
>In the new mod_perl documentation we have many .pod files and they are 
>deeply nested. For example:
>I want to be able to reference documents and have them properly 
>hyperlinked when HTML is rendered. It's possible that there will be more 
>than one pod file with the same name. The only uniqueness is ensured by 
>the path the pod resides in. e.g. we have
>1.0/user/install.pod and 2.0/user/install.pod.
>How would you tackle this problem? When I want to reference install.pod 
>for modperl 1.0 from install.pod for modperl 2.0, do you say:
>   L<1.0/user/install/"intro">
>and look for the matching pod in the common search path. Or should it be 
>better L<../../1.0/user/install/"intro">

I think that Pod, in its current form, makes no provision for either of
these things per se.  That's unless urls like "file:../../whatever" are
legal -- and if they are, then it's just a matter of doing
L<file:../../whatever> and hoping that pod2html (which is currently a
hideous wreck) supports that -- and that these things are to accessed
across a file: scheme.  I know, it's ugly.

Barring that, you may just have to do

That's if I understand your problem correctly.

Sean M. Burke    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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