Hello i have just write this line and i have a compiling error:
void Widget::provo_pag_pdf(){
    using namespace PoDoFo;
    PdfStreamedDocument document( "Pippo" );


I have this error:
g++  -o Gsd_Volpiano main.o widget.o moc_widget.o    -L/usr/lib -lpodofo -
lQtGui -lQtCore -lpthread 
/usr/local/lib/libpodofo.a(PdfFiltersPrivate.cpp.o): In function `PoDoFo::
PdfDCTFilter::BeginDecodeImpl(PoDoFo::PdfDictionary const*)':
PdfFiltersPrivate.cpp:(.text+0x1eb7): undefined reference to `jpeg_std_error'
PdfFiltersPrivate.cpp:(.text+0x1edb): undefined reference to 
/usr/local/lib/libpodofo.a(PdfFiltersPrivate.cpp.o): In function `PoDoFo::
PdfFiltersPrivate.cpp:(.text+0x1fef): undefined reference to 
PdfFiltersPrivate.cpp:(.text+0x2006): undefined reference to 
PdfFiltersPrivate.cpp:(.text+0x2082): undefined reference to 
PdfFiltersPrivate.cpp:(.text+0x2101): undefined reference to 
PdfFiltersPrivate.cpp:(.text+0x233d): undefined reference to 
/usr/local/lib/libpodofo.a(PdfFiltersPrivate.cpp.o): In function `PoDoFo::
jpeg_memory_src(jpeg_decompress_struct*, unsigned char const*, unsigned int)':
PdfFiltersPrivate.cpp:(.text+0x2472): undefined reference to 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

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