
If no one is going to feed you the info you need, then you need to research
the docs yourself.

Start with POE::Kernel and the POE::Session docs, and have a look at the
cookbook on

David Davis
☄ Software Engineer

On 8/9/07, Anthony R. J. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   No suggestions? I don't need code... I'd just like people's opinions
> on what components/tactics might best suit this task.
> >
> >   Hello. I am hoping to replace a sprawling mess of code at
> > our company which is basically an event monitor. Jobs to be run are
> > added for the day and as things heppen they are triggered. POE looks
> > like it and its components would simplify a lot of this, but I was
> > hoping for some guidance as to how to proceed.
> >
> >   A basic outline:
> >     * Jobs are added as a lump at the beginning of the day and/or
> >       individually throughout the day (add-ons). Of course, all
> >       could be treated as add-ons
> >     * Jobs have what we call wait events, which is basically either
> >       a string, or a four digit number. 4 digit number means do not
> >         run before HHMM, string means wait for the event of that name
> >         to be posted. (might get posted from external, or from another
> >       job completing)
> >     * Jobs call an external command, which does something useful
> >     * There are different processing slots, so only X jobs of a certain
> >       type may run at the same time
> >
> >   JobQueue looks promising to replace the slots, in a passive mode...
> >   Wheel::Run looks like it would handle running the jobs nicely...
> >
> >   The main thing I'm not seeing just yet is how to set up the job
> entries
> > with their wait events, then post them along to the proper queue... any
> > monitor may have 1 to over 1000 jobs, depending on the application.
> >
> >   I can think of Perl ways to do this, but I am wondering if there is a
> > more POE-specific way. I have thought of using alert for any timed
> > events but am having difficulty picturing how I should set up the wait
> > events and tick them off one by one, and catching when everything is
> > in place to put the job on the queue.
> >
> >   I would appreciate thoughts/suggestions.
> >
> >
> > --
> > - Anthony Ball - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >         OSB -
> > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> > "You can find the way for no one but yourself." - Bradford Shank
> >
> >
> > ----- End forwarded message -----
> >
> > --
> > - Anthony Ball - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >         OSB -
> > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> > "Makes me want to write poetry - or bake a ham, I forget which." - Dot
> >
> --
> - Anthony Ball - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         OSB -
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Earth first!  We'll abuse the other planets later.

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