RE: Antwort: Re: HSSF - Changing chart series size.

2005-01-07 Thread Iain.Shepherd
I had this problem last night, and just found a different solution: You can define the chart data as a reference to a named range. POI can't edit charts, but it can edit named ranges. I think. Going further, you can avoid editing the named range, if you define a named range for each column like t

Re: ExceptionInInitializerError

2005-01-07 Thread Bruce Houghton
HTTP Transmission? If you mean does it run on my PC under JBuilder not using HTTP, the answer is yes. If you mean after deploy the applet to my ISP and logon to it through the Internet... Q. Is there another way than HTTP Transmission? I changed the "SafePOIStream" to "POIFSFileSystem" with no chan