RE : Problem with sheet.getColumnWidth

2005-02-23 Thread PARIS Jean-Pierre RD-BIZZ-SOP
In fact, setting the column width to zero is the same as making the column invisible. The width of the column is not changed by those operations: this allows Excel to keep the original width when you mask/unmask a column. Using BiffViewer, you can see that the only diff you get after setting

RE : Linking to other sheets in the same workbook

2004-07-23 Thread PARIS Jean-Pierre RD-BIZZ-SOP
Hello! Fill the cell where you want to have your link with: cell.setCellFormula("HYPERLINK(\"#" + __TheNameOfTheDestSheet__ + "!" + __TheNameOfTheDestCell__ + "\", \"" + __LinkLabel__ + "\")"); In the Excel workbook, you will find for example: =HYPERLINK("#Sheet1