January 21. 1999

Mr. Moishe Ronen
Canadian Jewish Congress
1590 Avenue Dr. Penfield
Montreal. P.Q.
H3G 1C5

Dear Mr. Ronen:

   The Canadian Polish Congress has recently learned that your
organization was invited to visit Auschwitz with the Prime Minister
on Sunday, January 24, 1999. We appreciate that symbolism of this
event, particularly in view of the fact that survivors of the Holocaust
will be among the Jewish delegates.

Our two nations have suffered grievously during the Second World War
and the Nazi policy of extermination against the Jewish people and
the punishment by death of any Pole who helped Jewish victims, without
a doubt, left deep scars in the psyche of both peoples. We are forever
hound by the common experience of man's inhumanity to man.

Numerous survivors of the Holocaust, both Jewish and non-Jewish,
live in Canada. Therefore, we were saddened to learn of the fact that
the Prime Minister did not extend a similar invitation to the Canadian
Polish Congress to share in this poignant event with you as we shared
in the death and destruction over 50 years ago. We have no choice but
to make known our feelings regarding this matter.

We want to assure you that none of the statements emanating from this
office are directed against the Canadian Jewish Congress and the Jewish
community in Canada.

Sincerely yours,
Lucien Conrad
Canadian Polish Congress

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