Jesli jestes Polakiem z Kanady i chcesz wyrazic swoj protest, to
wyslij list do Jean Chretien, min. spraw zagr. Lloyda Axworthy, itd.

Ponizej wzor listu ze strony KPK. Dodatkowo podana informacja jak
wyslac list do premiera on-line, oraz adres do min. spr. zagr.



The Right Honourable Jean Chretien, PC, MP
The Prime Minister of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A2

Dear Prime Minister:

As a Canadian of Polish heritage I am deeply offended and saddened
by your decision not to invite a delegation from the Canadian Polish
Congress to accompany you on your visit to Auschwitz.

I am dismayed that our representatives are not afforded the same
consideration as are the representatives of other groups.

Auschwitz was originally built as a concentration camp for Polish
political prisoners, tens of thousands of whom perished there.
It is a symbol of great suffering for millions of Poles in Poland
and abroad. Many of us lost family members there. It is the Poles'
largest wartime graveyard.

Your decision in this matter is particularly painful in view of the
fact that traditionally the Polish community in Canada has given
strong support to the Liberal Party.

                   Respectfully yours,

                   (podpis z adresem)


Mozna wyslac list on-line pod:

Tam podaj w "What is your reason for writing":
        Register Criticism of Government Initiative

a w "What is the subject of your message?" wybierz sam z:
        - Human Rights
        - Heritage and Culture
        - National Unity
        - Foreign Affairs
        - Other

List moze miec do 150 slow.

Jesli skorzystasz z powyzszego wzoru listu, to juz w tresci listu
nie wypisuj adresu premiera. Zacznij od "Dear Prime Minister"...

Inny adres:
        The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy
        Minister of Foreign Affairs
        10th Floor
        125 Sussex Drive
        Ottawa, ON
        K1A 0G2

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