Kalifornia Dreamin'
  A False Flag Fire Drill
  By Captain Eric H. May
  Military Correspondent
  All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray,
I've been for a walk on a winter's day,
  I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A.,
California dreamin' on such a winter's day.
  -- The Mamas and the Papas
  Ashes were falling like snow across Southern California last week, as the 
Santa Ana winds blew in to fan the flames and a heat wave bore down.  It was 
hot for everybody, no matter where they were; but for those fighting the fires 
it was hotter than hell.  Folks wept at their losses and lamented that their 
beautiful landscape had become a desolate moonscape.
The fires started on Sunday, Oct. 21, and they encircled their principal target 
of San Diego with military precision.  You can't fault people for feeling like 
they're under attack when a natural disaster hits them.  As the week wore on 
and the flames burned on, disturbing facts began to emerge to show that their 
feelings were right.
  Cold-Blooded Arson
  “Whoever did this knew what they were doing,” said Kris Concepcion, a fire 
authority battalion chief.  Multiple witnesses attested to multiple fires being 
set by arsonists to attack targeted areas.  Police shot and killed one alleged 
arsonist who was trying to make a getaway.  Fox News lead an infowar campaign 
to attribute the arsons to Al Qaeda, the ubiquitous Bush League bogeyman.
  By the end of the first week, though, there was no evidence to support the 
claim that bin Laden's buddies had torched dreamland.  This would not do at 
all.  There must be a criminal for every crime, else the people will begin to 
ask uncomfortable questions about just who the criminals might be.  Politicos 
and Presstitutes searched for an appropriate patsy, and reasoned that if the 
incendiaries couldn't be little brown Muslims then they must have been little 
brown Mexicans, who were a pretty close match in the public mind.
  It was too little too late, of course.  The Internet cat came yowling and 
scratching out of the mainstream media bag, despite their best efforts to 
contain it.  Now, on the 10th day since the advent of the fires, cybersleuths 
have exposed the Fox Al Qaeda stories as warmed over propaganda from 2003 FBI 
sources.  Likewise, they have networked the information that California fire 
stations were reporting professional efforts to gather intelligence on their 
layout and operations during the summer.
  Hard-Boiled Facts
  Call me a cynic if you must, but it's never easy for me to accept the pat 
answer to any complex question.  I oppose historic official stories blaming the 
Christians for burning Rome, the Jews for burning the Reichstag and the Muslims 
for burning the Twin Towers.  Accordingly, I also oppose the current official 
story blaming the Mexicans for burning California.
  One fact stares at me through all the smoke and mirrors.  The fires began 
only hours after a border fracas between Turkey and Iraqi Kurds ended with 
dozens dead and a nation of Turks crying out for a punitive invasion.  While 
California cooked, the government of Turkey authorized war, then mobilized and 
massed its forces against Northwest Iraq.  There was an uncomfortable 
possibility that they would attack under the pretext of rooting out terrorists, 
then take over oil resources. All of this was fine historic irony, of course, 
since four years ago, Turkey refused a substantial US bribe in exchange for 
permission to use its territory as a staging area for an attack to root out 
terrorists, then take over oil resources.
  It required something very gripping to distract the American people away from 
the spectacle of our collapsing "central front in the war on terror," something 
like a San Diego sideshow, perhaps.  The Bush League has always been lucky when 
it comes to catastrophes.  Without 9/11 they never would have had an excuse to 
initiate the Global War or implement the Homeland State, two projects they had 
already envisioned and planned for before Bush assumed the presidency.
  The Germanator and the Burning Bush
  I appreciate the leadership of Governor Schwarzenegger. I said earlier when 
we were at the neighborhood, there's no hill he's not willing to charge, no 
problem he's not willing to solve.  -- George W. Bush, standing beside Arnold 
  I'm guilty of yellow journalism for labeling Arnold "The Germanator."  He was 
born in Austria, after all, and I know that quite well.  But then again, Hitler 
was born in Austria, too.  If the jackboot fits, then Arnold must wear it.  
It's impossible for me to see any leader standing in a fire zone beside our 
cheerleader in chief and not think of them both as a couple of Neo Nero's, 
fiddling with torches.
  Seeing all of this destruction this week has been saddening, but at the same 
time I have to say it also has been very inspirational, because we have seen 
how people have come together.  -- Arnold Schwarzenegger, standing beside 
George W. Bush
  See what I mean?  Every word of the Germanator's script for California after 
the fires could have been used by Rudy Giuliani (and probably was) for New York 
after 9/11.  Disaster is good for the soul and brings out the best in us.  It 
goes without saying that it also provides wonderful economic opportunities for 
interested parties...
  Portero: A Blackwater Backwater
  Blackwater mercenary corporation comes to mind as a big beneficiary of the 
recent arsons.  One of the first targets to burn down was Portero, a town 20 
miles southeast of San Diego on the Mexican border.  Portero had become a 
national cause célèbre for its determined opposition to the Blackwater 
mercenary company setting up a thousand acre training facility in its 
boundaries.  Nowadays the people of Portero, though, have more immediate 
interests than peacenik protests, like rebuilding their homes.
  Blackwater has gone on record in recent days.  An official spokesman lamented 
the bad luck that hit poor Portero.  He wished aloud that Blackwater had 
finished building its Portero facility, since then the town could have relied 
on their fire equipment and water reserves.  In all probability, area residents 
will now welcome any investments, and they won't be so picky about who is 
making them.
  Private military contractors have picked up the scent of smoke, and several 
of them are now shopping around the idea of a yearly contract fee for 
interested municipalities, presumably to supplement their firefighters and 
police with motivated mercenaries.  It goes without saying that where there is 
smoke there is fire, and it shouldn't go unsaid that, occasionally, where there 
is arson there is extortion.
  # # #
  Captain May is a former Army military intelligence and public affairs 
officer, as well as a former NBC editorial writer. His political and military 
analyses have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Houston Chronicle and 
Military Intelligence Magazine. On Thursday, 1/11, he will appear on KBOO radio 
in Portland to discuss the California fires with Presswatch host Theresa 
Mitchell.  The program will air at 9 a.m. Pacific Time: 

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