Jeff Jacoby -- yet another bogus libertarian, a chameolon, a
shapeshifter, for whom ideologies are mere instruments of psychological
compulsions and disorders. He is unable to conceal effectively his core
obsession. The neocons are having a nervous breakdown about the success
of Ron Paul in the polls. At this point they probably hate him even
more than they hate Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski. It's all
about the hate and the endless parade of blood enemies...

Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Libertarian-Neocon
Denounces Ron Paul via Blog by Lew Rockwell on May 20,
2007 Jeff Jacoby, who claims to have libertarian tendencies, is a
warmonger. Here he goes after Ron Paul, in yet another example of how
worried the warfare-staters are about his speaking the simple truth. By
the way, Jeff: of course, FDR...
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