Great ideas, but no more significance -- much less, in fact -- than the 
venerable Ralph Nader.

Why has Paul not entered into discussion with Al Gore? Gore claims to be a 
'recovering politician,' admitting that the American political sytem is 
'broken.' Paul, much like Nader, is full of sputum for the current situation, 
but offers no realistic solutions, no strategic plan, has no known players on  
his team.  It's an ego trip, as near as I can see, for Ron Paul, who can be 
seen as just another Texas politician, but with more savvy as to how the mass 
audience will respond to his message.

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                   
 Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader:
 Ron Paul's Reading List for the Farsighted via Blog by Scott 
Horton on Jun 02, 2007

 On May 15th, Dr. Ron Paul, the antiwar Republican presidential candidate and 
congressman from Texas, was denounced by "America's Mayor" in the second 
Republican presidential debate when he sited the role of American foreign 
policy in motivating the murderers of 9/11. Giuliani demanded a retraction and 
an apology for the statement, which Paul refused to do. (For a full account of 
Paul and Giuliani's cash, click here.)
 On May 24th, Dr. Paul assigned a list of books to help get Giuliani familiar 
with the realities of American foreign Policy:
 The 9/11 Commission Report
 Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire by Chalmers Johnson
 Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror by Michael Scheuer 
(the former Chief of the CIA's bin Laden Unit, Alec Station)
 Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism by Professor Robert A. 
Pape of the University of Chicago
 But by the look of Rudy Giuliani's beady little eyes, and knowing how busy he 
is collecting investments - er, donations - from those who plan to make their 
living off of the taxpayer in a Giuliani administration, it is easy to imagine 
that the self-described hero of 9/11 and terrorism expert has not been able to 
sit down and read these books.
 (Much less, Perfect Soldiers by Terry McDermott, The Looming Tower by Lawrence 
Wright, A Pretext for War by James Bamford, Terror Incorporated or Insurgent 
Iraq by Loretta Napoleoni, 1000 Years for Revenge by Peter Lance, The Far Enemy 
by Fawaz A. Gerges, Holy War, Inc. by Peter Bergen, Ghost Wars by Steve Coll, 
or anything else about the people who took part in the attacks.)
 Now Rudy Giuliani and anyone else out there who can't see too well, just can't 
find the time to read in their hectic schedule or were never even taught how to 
by their government school teachers can relax. has done your 
homework for you.
 You can listen to MP3 audio of in-depth radio interviews with the authors of 
the books on Ron Paul's list (less Philip Zelikow), recorded just in the last 
two weeks for Antiwar Radio and the world at large.
 Former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer May 18th
 Download audio file (07_05_18_scheuer.mp3)

 Professor Robert A. Pape June 1st
 Download audio file (07_06_01_pape.mp3)

 Former CIA advisor Chalmers Johnson May 17th
 Download audio file (07_05_17_chjohnson.mp3)

 Two other former CIA officials have also told Antiwar Radio that Dr. Paul is 
right about al Qaeda terrorism against the U.S. being a consequence of our 
interventionist foreign policy:
 Former CIA counter-terrorism agent Philip Girialdi May 23rd
 Download audio file (07_05_23_giraldi.mp3)

 Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern May 25th
 Download audio file (07_05_25_mcgovern.mp3)

 Bottom line: The only reason that Osama and his gang are able to recruit 
suicide terrorists is by pointing to real, earthly grievances: specifically the 
presence of foreign occupying armies in their countries - not 72 virgins in 
heaven, not freedom, nor a plan to create an Islamic Caliphate.

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