Notice how Bush was warned by Congress not to provoke Irarn, so the British did 
it for us.  the British provoke, the US responds.  the US war is about 
recovering British oil concessions in Iraq and Iran.  What's wrong with this 

Skinny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                         

Poll: Bush Hive Mind Supports Iran Attack

Tuesday March 27th 2007, 6:52 pm 


in yet  another brain-dead poll conducted by Harris Interactive, nearly 60 
percent of Americans believe “Iran is helping the Shiites in Iraq by providing 
weapons to them.”

  No indication if the people polled understand that 53 percent of Iranians are 
ShiÂ’ites, or that Iran providing weapons to fellow ShiÂ’ites makes more sense 
than the United States providing weapons to Israeli Jews, as there 
approximately 5 million Jews in the United States, or around 3 percent of the 

  In fact, if we are to base nation-states along religious lines, as is the 
case with Israel, a large chunk of Iraq would rightfully be considered part of 
Iran, or at least the ShiÂ’a part of Iran, that is to say most of the country. 
In order to get  an idea of what IÂ’m talking about, check out this map.

  Further data breaks down along the same old tired, fanatical, irrational, and 
generally brain-dead lines: 14% in favor of bombing Iran, with an additional 
18% “somewhat” favoring mass murdering Iranians in the name of Israel, although 
most Americans remain steadfastly unaware, as admitted by the Bush crime family 
intimate Philip Zelikow, that attacking Iraq and soon Iran serves the state of 
Israel, not the United States, as downtown Tehran is exactly 6352.5 miles from 
the Washington Monument and IranÂ’s Revolutionary Guard, no matter what Mahmoud 
Ahmadinejad did or did not say, will not invade on a fortnight, even if the 
neocons insist thatÂ’s how long it will take for Iran to  patch together a crude 

  Of course, with an appropriate black flag terrorist event pinned on Iran, 
this fence sitting 18% and no doubt a large chunk those “somewhat” opposed to 
attacking Iran, or 19%, will team up to make a majority. As well, the “not 
sure” column, wishy-
washy and easily swayed with the right degree of propaganda catapulted in their 
namby-pamby direction by the likes of Fox News, CNN, and the rest of the 
corporate media, will likely be onboard, plastic flags made in China in hand. 
In other words, given the correct degree of engineered violence and resultant 
media-hyped fear on the part of a know-nothing public, wired into Fox News like 
Borg drones assimilated to the collective mind, a majority of the population 
will either support the attack on Iran or be ambivalent enough not to give a 
hoot one way or the other, in short they will be  accomplices.

  Angus Reid, however, does not see it that way. “Americans Reject Attacking 
Iran Over Iraq Bombs,” the global monitor corporation announces. Indeed, a 
Bushzarro flip-flop, indeed an avalanche, hangs by a tenuous thread, a sword of 
Damocles, and will be easily snapped by a “dirty bomb” event or even a suicide 
bomber at the mall, conducted by a crazed Muslim patsy or mental patient with a 
Persian surname. 

Fascist Wins Bushzarro “Free Speech” Award

  Tuesday March 27th 2007, 2:50 pm 


In Bushzarro world—where up is down, black is white—
fascists take all the awards. As a prime example, consider that Talkers 
Magazine, a trade industry publication covering talk radio in the United 
States, has awarded Michael “Savage” (as in Neanderthal) Weiner its coveted 
Freedom of Speech Award.

  “According to Talkers Magazine, Savage is being honored, ‘For being the first 
major conservative radio talk show host to criticize President George W. Bush 
on his  policies and encourage hosts of all political ideologies to remain 
independent of partisan loyalties,’” notes NewsMax. “Savage was also recently 
ranked No. 4 in ‘The Top 25 Most Influential Talk-Radio Hosts’ by NewsMax 

  In other words, according to the neocons at NewsMax, millions of people are 
“influenced” by Weiner, an unabashed fascist who demands people opposed to Bush 
and the neocons, “partisan loyalties” notwithstanding, be rounded up and 
slammed in detention camps. Considering this, “Savage” should receive the 
Joseph Stalin award, or maybe the Pol Pot or Mao award.

  Michael Alan Weiner, a former beatnik who once swam naked with the homosexual 
poet Allen Ginsberg, is “America’s angriest, most  vicious conservative radio 
host,” writes David Gilson for Salon. He makes his living attacking “liberals, 
gays, academics, the homeless, the Clintons, immigrants, feminists, CNN, the 
American Civil Liberties Union, Muslims and other minorities” and “dreams of 
dispatching with ‘commies, pinkos and perverts’ and other undesirables (’I say 
round them up and hang ‘em high!’) and even paraphrases a remark attributed to 
Nazi leader Hermann Goering (Â’When I hear someoneÂ’s in the civil rights 
business, I oil up my AR-15!’).” Of course, for Weiner, any American who 
complains about the trashing of the Constitution and the fake war on terrorism 
is included in the above list of enemies—
and he would gleefully string them up from lamp posts, sort of like the 
medieval Taliban lynched their  enemies.

  “Mr. Wiener, like a plethora of other so-called right-wing talk show hosts, 
is a dangerous anti-American who hates freedom and what the founding fathers 
created,” Paul Joseph Watson wrote in 2004, after the former beatnik called for 
arresting newspaper editors for the unpardonable and apparently executable 
crime of reporting the news. “While he has a first amendment right to voice his 
comments, we feel the need to challenge them and will continue to monitor his 
subversive and extremist activities.”

  Of course, in Bushzarro world, loud-mouths who hate freedom—for instance Bill 
“phone sex” O’Reilly of Fox News who sics the FBI on those he disagrees with 

(one of his victims, Sami Al-Arian, is near death in prison)—
are cherished, showered with awards, made into heroes, and endowed with 
multi-million dollar talk radio and television contracts.

  It can be said, after all, “Savage” and O’Reilly are simply giving the people 
what they want—
or what they are told to want, as hatred and warmongering are consumer items, 
albeit consumer items that benefit the ruling elite, determined to render the 
planet into a hellish gulag where Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. 

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