"Previously, the military has outlined a host of possible lines of investigation, including claims that Hussein offered to provide false identification to a sniper seeking to evade U.S.-led forces and that Hussein took photographs that were synchronized with insurgent blasts."

Heh!!! Think of all the "Insurgent Blasts" that were caught on 911! All those big showy fireball pictures? Every photographer who caught one needs a Grand Jury somewhere to probe how they just happened to magically sense the right moment and were in the right place at the right time with their camera looking at the right spot how many different times?
There were a lot of photographs linked to the WTC Insurgent Blasts.
http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=wtc+fireball&gbv=2 <http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=wtc+fireball&gbv=2>

Skinny wrote:

      Award-winning Photojournalist Held Incommunicado in Iraqi
      Torture Dungeon <http://www.truthnews.us/?p=907>

Kurt Nimmo
 November 20, 2007

According to the Pentagon, Bilal Hussein, an award-winning photographer, is "a terrorist operative who infiltrated the AP." That's why he is being held in an Iraqi prison without due process. And that's why the supposed "new evidence" that "has come to light" about Hussein is secret. "The military has not yet defined the specific charges against Hussein. Previously, the military has pointed to a range of suspicions that attempt to link him to insurgent activity," reports the Associated Press <http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/world/AP-Iraq-Detained-Photographer.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&pagewanted=print&oref=slogin>. AP Associate General Counsel Dave Tomlin "said the AP has faced chronic difficulties in meeting Hussein at the Camp Cropper detention facility in Baghdad and that its own intensive investigations of the case --- conducted by a former federal prosecutor, Paul Gardephe --- have found no support for allegations he was anything other than a working journalist in a war zone." Naturally, simply working as a photojournalist in a "war zone," that is to say an occupation zone, and taking the wrong photographs is a crime. It makes little sense that a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer would throw his career away and join up with the "insurgents," that is to say the Iraqi resistance, who are considered terrorists by the United States. Of course, such things are not out of the realm of possibility.
    U.S. military officials in Iraq did not immediately respond to AP
    questions about what precise accusations are planned against Hussein.
Previously, the military has outlined a host of possible lines of
    investigation, including claims that Hussein offered to provide
    false identification to a sniper seeking to evade U.S.-led forces
    and that Hussein took photographs that were synchronized with
    insurgent blasts.
The AP inquiry found no support for either of those claims. The
    bulk of the photographs Hussein provided the AP were not about
    insurgent activity; he detailed both the aftermath of attacks and
    the daily lives of Iraqis in the war zone. There was no evidence
    that any images were coordinated with the insurgents or showed the
    instant of an attack.
For the neocons in charge of the Pentagon merely taking photographs of "the aftermath of attacks and the daily lives of Iraqis in the war zone" is enough to keep Mr. Hussein in the torture dungeons of Camp Cropper indefinitely. "Even if he comes out the other side with an acquittal --- as we certainly hope and trust that he will --- there is no guarantee that he won't go right back into detention as a security risk," said Tomlin. Finally, it should be noted that the Associated Press was long ago infiltrated by terrorists---but not the sort who wear an Arab headdress. Don't expect an admission of guilt from corporate executives at the Associated Press. Operation Mockingbird "was conceived in the late 1940s, the most frigid period of the cold war, when the CIA began a systematic infiltration of the corporate media, a process that often included direct takeover of major news outlets," explains Alex Constantine <http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/MOCK/mockingbird.html>. "Activists curious about the workings of MOCKINGBIRD have since been appalled to find in FOIA documents that agents boasting in CIA office memos of their pride in having placed 'important assets' inside every major news publication in the country. It was not until 1982 that the Agency openly admitted that reporters on the CIA payroll have acted as case officers to agents in the field."
    Most consumers of the corporate media were --- and are --- unaware
    of the effect that the salting of public opinion has on their own
    beliefs. A network anchorman in time of national crisis is an
    instrument of psychological warfare in the MOCKINGBIRD media. He
    is a creature from the national security sector's chamber of
    horrors. For this reason consumers of the corporate press have
    reason to examine their basic beliefs about government and life in
    the parallel universe of these United States.
It appears Bilal Hussein's crime is he ran up against this determined and long-term "salting of public opinion" with his award-winning photographs of "the aftermath of attacks and the daily lives of Iraqis in the war zone," images rarely if ever shown to American television audiences. Of course, this makes him a terrorist and a "security risk."

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