Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Wednesday, June 5, 2007
via xymphora by Andrew on Jun 06, 2007
Wednesday, June 5, 2007:

- Latest map of the current state of land thievery in the West Bank.
It's all part of a Plan: "What remains is an area of habitation
remarkably close to territory set aside for the Palestinian population
in Israeli security proposals dating back to postwar 1967."
- The amusing letters of support for Scooter reveal the Washington
neocon nexus. Not a huge surprise that it is bipartisan - Democrat and
Republican - but Jewish (or at least trying to connect, in a public
way, to Jewish power centers). From the point of view of Jewish
Zionism, Democrats and Republicans are just tools to the greater cause
of Israeli imperialism. Whether you fall into one party or another has
less to do with your right-left views and more to do with where you
will be useful in building the Zionist Empire. Thus, Scooter's friends
cover the entire gamut from ultra-conservative to liberal, and he is
perceived as being non-partisan, at least considered by the usual
Democrat-Republican axis. This also explains how the neocons started
off as Democrats but slid over in the 80s to being Republican. They
just followed the trends of power. Scooter's non-partisanship also ties
back to the greater issue of how Israeli colonialism has destroyed the
great traditions of the American Jewish left.
- The comment by 'David' to the Philip Weiss posting is an eye-opener,
quoting Feith's letter (emphasis in red): "We are not social friends,
but, when he worked for the Vice President, I was the Under Secretary
of Defense for Policy and we spent several hours together in meetings
every week day, more or less, and occasionally on weekends too." As
'David' notes, this is the Office of Special Plans meeting with the
White House Iraq Group. They were 'stovepiping', packaging Feith's
lies, fresh from the Pentagon oven, for White House use in the
propaganda war leading to the attack on Iraq.
- When it was revealed that 70% of the total intelligence community
budget is now spent on private contractors, people were able to do the
math to determine that the total American intelligence budget is much
higher than was formerly believed. For all that money, they still
haven't got a clue . . .
- More on Palast's 'war for no oil' thesis. This thesis is silly (but
has the singular advantage of paying some attention to the facts). The
net effect of the 'war for oil', 'war for control of oil', and 'war for
no oil' theses is that they wipe each other out, leading us closer to
the truth.
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