
I'll be offering another hardcore Python course this summer near the
San Francisco airport. If you're somewhat new to or have some Python
experience under your belt already but want to fill-in the holes,
this course is for you. Why take a real course when you can learn
Python online or by reading books?

Well, my goal isn't to teach Python syntax, which you can from any
teacher, live or online, or from giant books. My job is to create
great Python developers and removing the roadblocks that impede
your path to getting there. This intensive course is based on my
 "Core Python" ( books and is made up of 3
full days complete with lectures and several hands-on coding labs
per day. t's also a great excuse to coming to beautiful Northern
California for a summer vacation and just a 1-hour flight from PDX!

Groups and development teams are welcome as well as individuals. I do
more private gigs and fewer of these public courses lately, so please
 come join if you can... my next public intro/intermediate course may
not be for awhile, so I'm hoping to meet some of you this time around!

Sign up soon... there's a special earlybird rate for the rest of this
month before going up to the regular rate after that. More details and
registration at as well as in the ad:

I'm no fan of spam, so I'll only send out one last reminder as the
date gets closer... say around the end of June.

-- Wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"A computer never does what you want... only what you tell it."
    +wesley chun <> : wescpy at gmail :
    Python training & consulting :
    "Core Python" books :
    Python blog:
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