The visitor : A winner  is a site where the visitor can click on the advertisers 
pixel blocks. By clicking on the right image at the right time, the visitor 
wins 100 dollar. For free. Every day.

The Advertiser : A winner
New clients within seven days or a refund.

The third way
There are two known ways to advertise on the internet : CPC (cost per click) or 
placing ads on a site via banners. CPC is effective, but expensive (500 clicks, 
cost : 100 dollar). Placing ads is expensive and : less clicks.

Walk with us on the third way : a lot of clicks for 100 euro a year.  is the site where the visitor has to click on the images 
of the advertisers. By clicking on the right image and answering a question 
about an advertiser he wins 100 dollar.

What´s the advantage for the advertiser?
Every visitor has to click if he wants to win 100 dollar.
A lot of visitors on the advertisers site though.

A little pixel-block will do the job, because the 100 dollar can be hided 

How many visitors?
First of all, we advertise on the Milliondollar Homepage.
Second, we  send 1000 mails every day to explain people how to win 100 dollar 
for free.
And last but not least, every day a winner who tells a friend who tells a 
friend who tells a friend... A lot of friends and always new people.

We guarantee 3000 unique visitors per day.

So, any business in here for you? You can buy pixels online on

Not enough results for you after seven days? Ask your money back. (Paypal 
guaranteed : if you´re not refunded, you start a claim at Paypal´s site)

Kind regards,

Philip Dubois

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