
this is the port of PyDbLite, a pure-python in-memory database engine.
It provides also a pythonic interface to SQLite and MySQL.

Tested on amd64.

Critical positive or negative would be appreciated ;-).

Few information :

$ pkg_info py-dblite
Information for inst:py-dblite-2.5

pure-Python in-memory database engine

PyDbLite is a fast, pure-Python, untyped, in-memory database engine,
using Python syntax to manage data, instead of SQL.
Provides a pythonic interface to SQLite and MySQL, using the same syntax
as the pure-Python engine for most operations (except database
connection and table creation because of each database specificities).

Maintainer: Remi Pointel <remi.poin...@xiri.fr>

WWW: http://www.pydblite.net



Attachment: py-dblite-2.5.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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