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Midsommar Festival returns to Switzerland for the 2nd year and we are
searching the planet for the best talented DJ to join the festival for a
spotlight performance on this edition in Lucerne. If you think you have
what it takes, then upload your best 30 minutes DJ set via Mixcloud or

One talented and lucky winner will get the chance to perform at the
Midsommar Festival, with some of the most relevant and talented acts
coming from many different countries. The Midsommar Team will cover
return flights and accommodation in Lucerne, Switzerland.

The final line-up will be announced soon and maybe with your name on the

This is a unique chance to be part of an incredible festival with artists
coming from all around the world.

How to Enter:

The competition is open to European residents only.

  * Open a SoundCloud or MixCloud account in case you dont have one.

  * Upload a mix of no more than 30 minutes.

  * Title the mix Midsommar Recruits [Your DJ Name]

  * Tag your mix Midsommar Recruits if you fail to tag it correctly, your
    mix may be missed

  * Include the competition cover-art, provided here

  * Spread it around and play it to your friends and fans to collect 'likes'.


  * The top 50 most 'liked' mixes that are uploaded on Mixcloud or
    SoundCloud and tagged with 'Midsommar Recruits' will get shortlisted.

  * Only the mixes with at least 50 plays by the deadline date can
    qualify in the top 50.

  * The artists of the Festival and the Midsommar Crew will review each
    of these 50 mixes and select the 10 finalists.

  * The finalists will publish the mix or cover of the festival in their
    own facebook accounts and will collect as much 'likes' they can. The
    mix or cover with more likes will perform at the Midsommar Festival
    2012, with some of the most important artists of the industry.

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