Am 28.11.23 um 14:46 schrieb Lucas Gabriel Vuotto:
> Hi Martin, ports,
> Here is an update to ntfy 2.8.0. v2 features a lot of things, mostly
> oriented to running it like a PaaS (signup and tiers), and access tokens
> for users and webpush, also useful in a selfhosted small-scale
> deployment. It also support some new integrations (Twilio for
> text-to-speech calls, Stripe for payments, ...).
> On the ports side, there has been some modifications:
> - Added /var/ntfy to PLIST, as it's a handy place for DBs
> - Small patch for server.yml to hint the operator to user /var/ntfy
>   (will send this one upstream if the previous item is merged in the
>   port)
> - The default, commented-out server.yml is now installed in /etc/ntfy
> - Dropped "--listen-port :8080" from ntfy.rc, favouring defining such an
>   option in the config file (can be discussed--this will make it run at
>   port 80 if there isn't a config file and the default flags are being
>   used, which in turns mean that ntfy won't start.)
> - I spent 2h wondering why would I get a HTTP 200 OK blank page when I
>   tried to visit the web. Not 4xx, no error. Only a blank page. It
>   became clear what the issue was when I read the port Makefile: we
>   don't ship it. I tried to take a stab at building it, but the build
>   relies on esbuild, which currently SIGILLs at startup in my machine.
>   idk if it's because syscall removal is rolled out already (currently
>   running OpenBSD 7.4-current (GENERIC.MP) #1467: Fri Nov 24 22:39:10
>   MST 2023), IBT (I tried it only on my laptop, which does have the
>   hardware), or the fact that the only dependency for it is
>   " v0.0.0-20220715151400-c0bba94af5f8" (seems old and
>   I recall issues with Go and x/sys). ftr, I only tried with the built
>   binary and haven't tried building esbuild myself yet.  Also, I'm quite
>   unsure whether it makes any sense to try to port esbuild to current
>   OpenBSD, as I believe that won't fix it being pulled by NPM
>   nevertheless.</rant>
>   Instead of generating empty app.html and docs/index.html, write a
>   small text in each explaining that those aren't packaged in OpenBSD
>   and provide a link ot upstream versions, which is at least something.
>   (The docs require mkdocs, a Python package not currently ported. I'll
>   take a look at either porting it or building the docs page locally
>   with a venv, but at a later time.)
>       Lucas

Hello Lucas,

thank you for the diff, looks good!

Maybe we should mention the requirement for esbuild and mkdocs in the
Makefile comment.


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