Hi all,

ok i know some of you don't like virtualization but anyway...

My goal is to manage linux libvirt/kvm (in the future i will
play with esxi and xen) from openbsd. managing xen without remote
libvirtd needs some more libs and i'm not sure if porting would
be successful. (fyi citrix xenserver uses xenapi.)

I've started to make libvirt, py-virtinstall (py-urlgrabber) and
virt-manager working. Maybe some web ui for this in far future.

The first part is libvirt itself. It's *client only*! It can connect
to remote hosts running libvirtd and manage it. As i said,
i don't have esxi running know to test direct connection to esx(i).

* libssh2 - why the hell is this used if there's --without-libssh2 ?
* looks like libvirt goodies (virsh as example) have more libs
  compiled in as was requested
* test exs(i)
* test tls

what works:
* direct tcp connection
* connection via ssh (it uses `nc')
* connection via sasl
* starting/destroying/editing...

* make libvirtd "listen" for remote connection on remote linux host
* play with auth_tcp etc...
* play with auth for vnc

i tested against fedora 14, no issues till now.

and as usual, i welcome testing, help, improving.


Attachment: libvirt-0.8.6.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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