>>>>>which I'm all for, providing it's a fair trade, seeing
as how it's not money from the artist's/label's pocket)?

Yes, it is money from the artist, who happens to be trying to pay for a very
modest home in a run down neighborhood he just bought, who is trying to pay
bills just like the rest of us! Who does not have a steroid-inflamed record
label covering his ass and paying for whatever his desires are for any given

My take as an artist, hmm. 
Here you go. I am highly flattered when someone tapes my show. I like it if
they ask first. I like it if they give me a copy later. Who knows, there may
be something I could use on a release, and if I were to do so, I WOULD PAY THE

I am not in the same position as Todd, who is much higher on the food chain
than I when it comes to touring etc. I have done many shows with him, and I am
always amazed at the size of audience, their intensity and dedication. I think
that is something I can only hope someday I will be blessed to know first

People pay to get into a show, I don't think it is fair to the artist for
someone to bootleg the hell out of their stuff later to people who missed it.
The guy did not specifically say what he was after, but I can promise you that
stuff like this eventually gets into the hands of someone who is going to make
a buck off it.

Set aside the fact that Todd and I are buds, I hate to see any musician get
screwed. Again I tell you that stuff like this ALWAYS GETS INTO THE HANDS OF

I got a letter in the mail with a check from a real nice guy in Idaho last
week. He bought my CD off my web page, and then a friend of his loved it so
much he asked for a CD bootleg. Floyd, the guy who originally bought it had e-
mailed me a couple times about some of the tunes, and could not do it. He
bought his friend a copy instead. This does not happen everyday, but it is
nice to know there are some fans out there who have consideration for all that
an artist trys to give to them.

That's my take.

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