>I'm not 100 p.cent sure that one "has to" pick a Tupelo on such a list

>Carl W.

Well, since arguing seems to be in fashion once again, I'll get the
proverbial gloves on. I agree with Carl that UT does not have to be on the
list. Of course, aside from Nirvana or Public Enemy, I'm not sure anyone
else HAS to be on the list either. But, my point with Anodyne (or any of
their albums really) is this: If you're gonna take the time to make a list
of the Top 50 bands/albums of the '90's--and the word "rock" is in the title
of the piece, accidentally or not--how could you justify NOT putting UT on
the list? How many other bands reconciled traditional American music, from
folk to rock 'n' roll to punk, while also moving forward with such
single-minded vision? How many bands have influenced the publishing industry
to the point that at least two 'zines directly pay homage to their existence
(ND, of course, and I've seen one here in the Deep South called Grindstone)?
And how many of those bands have, not just random fan sites, but also
"newsgroups" that consistently revolve around the doings of their musical
efforts--and those of their offshoots--and then connect them to the
decades-old culture of music which surrounds those same efforts? In the end,
of course, it doesn't matter that some random critic shunned UT. However, as
someone who believes in rewarding musicians for paying attention to their
history and having good taste to boot, screw him. Just because something's
happening here and he don't know what it is doesn't mean I have to pat him
on the ass for giving it the old college try.

Lance . . .

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