Kelly Kessler pointed out 

Dave Hoekstra (Doug Hoekstra's brother) did a loving profile of [The
Sundowners] in the last Journal of Country Music.
While I know who Dave Hoekstra is, I'll ask sheepishly -- who's brother

And Nancy mentions that she knows (and flirts with) some of The
Grifters.  Let me add my praise and admiration for that group, and ask
Nancy if she knows what they're up to these days.  I'd heard rumblings
that they were on some sort of hiatus, perhaps label-induced.  I'd also
heard that some of them are involved in a side project called Those
Bastard Souls.  Any info on past or future releases from that band?

Finally, thanks to Bill for the preview of the beating my wallet will be
taking over the next couple months.  I've also heard a lot of positive buzz
on the upcoming Olivia Tremor Control CD.  Any word on when that one's

Feeling nostalgic for the Double R Bar,


np: Kinks Kronikles 

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