In a message dated 1/14/99 3:07:12 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> As an added doohickey, I'll probably
>  put a program called wpoison on the site that actually screws with the
>  spambots. It's a recursive fake email and link creator that makes the bots
>  gather non-existent email addresses and URLs, recursively making the bots
>  gather non-existent email addresses recursively.... (a little
>  self-referential humor...)

   Dammit, I just love it when people fight fire with fire.  See if that
"wpoison" thing can get their license plate numbers and I'll even egg their

>   For those interested. I'll be using MHonarc
>  ( and procmail (info at
> to set it up. It'll be
>  sitting on a FreeBSD box running the Apache webserver. 

   I have no idea what any of that means Jamie, but it all sounds good to me.
I approve.  Make sure you re-flux the transducers too.

expert aol "reply" button-clicker,

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