Steve said:
>Cape Breton was settled by Scots a long time ago and since it is a
small island off the beaten path many of the >traditions there have
remained.  Stepdancing, fiddling and piano are the biggies.  I'm don't
claim to be an expert on >the region or anything, but I am going there
on vacation in May and am really looking forward to it.

When you're going there, be sure and check out Charlie's Country Music
Store in Cheticamp.  It's right on the main road (The Cabot Trail).
It looks like just a shack from the outside but they have a great
selection of Celtic music and French Acadian music from the region.
They also will be able to tell you who is playing around the island
that has some twang.  My wife and I got to see a local Acadian band
play french acadian twang.  We were the only English speaking people
in the audience.   It was cool.  There's a little community radio
station out of Cheticamp that plays some neat local twang.

We found the Scottish side of the Island to be a little wealthier and
a little more upper crust than the Acadian side- though they're both
worth seeing to see the totally different cultures.

Email me offlist if you'd like some more info about good places to go


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