Amen.  It's keep on coming and it keeps on coming back.  Witn the health of
the music that exactly fits the "tiny tent" definition at least
questionable now--the bigger picture ought to feel like good news to
anybody who's really connected with ALL THIS.

What Cheryl said was the five-ring circus Big Tent truth...
Put as only Ms. Cline can put it--whenever she happens to get so in-Clined.

Who kinda stepped into the pool as a small kid in the  rockabilly
50s..appreciated the positive side of the folk scare..and has been in whole
hog  thgru the twists and turns since the Byrd-in-the-Burrito  country rock
non-boomlet.  (Also trying to figure how Mr. Cantwell's new "what you
hgeard at age ten" rule applies to me--cause 1960 was kind of a slimn year
between some fat periods!)

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