Sorry.  I should have clarified in the first place.  This is Stacey Earle of 
Chicago, who is a founder and regular at Here Be Monsters, and has 
occasionally sung harmony with Jon Langford in Skull Orchard.  I talked to 
her last night.  Her arm is a wreck with metal things sticking out of it.  
She was riding her bike home from the last Here be Monsters and was 
sideswiped by a car.  The car stopped long enough for the people in it to 
yell at her, but not long enough, of course, to provide any info that might 
get an insurance company to pay for her injuries.  Stacey, the Chicago 
Stacey, has no insurance.

She said last night there may be another benefit later at Lounge Ax, but this 
Tuesday lineup looks great, and I'm thrilled to say that a number of people 
at the Alejandro show last night, who haven't attended Monsters shows before, 
are excited enough about this one to plan to attend and bring friends. Hope 
you'll do likewise.  

Stacey was one of the founders of Here Be Monsters when it began at the 
Chopin Theater in Wicker park two or three years ago.  That was, as I recall, 
one of the first public settings in which Ms. Kelly Kessler returned to the 
stage after the breakup of the Texas Rubies and, I suspect, a seed of the 
current Honky Tonk Living Room.  Monsters has long been a Mekons side project 
of sorts, providing audiences for individual members' various solo 
inspirations.  It's practically home to Chris Mills, and its stage is 
frequently visited by the likes of Kelly Hogan, Deanna Varagona, Dave Trumfio 
of King Size studios and the Pulsars, Brett and Rennie Sparks and all manner 
of musicians/performance artists, filmmakers, etc., known and unheard of.

Stacey was part of the vision to make each Monsters event a benefit for some 
worthy, obscure, often windmill tilting not-for-profit venture.  She's a 
great gal and I hope people turn out for this thing for her.


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