(the supremely useful Chicago Calendar) 

Couple more things for next weekend:

> *2/5:  Sally Timms sings Black Sabbath at the Chicago Cultural Center, 7 p.m.

Jon Langford is doing a show at 12:30 that afternoon, at the
Chicago Cultural Center, with Cath Carroll, and (I think --
I can't find my flier) it'll be live on WNUR.

And Jonboy is playing that evening, with Skull Orchard,
right after Sally's show.

2/6 Sara Hickman and Tish Hinojosa at the Old Town School,
with Kelly Kessler

And the new FitzGerald's schedule lists James McMurtry on
2/23, and Fred Eaglesmith first week of March.

Tom Mohr
at the office: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (on vacation till 2-8)
at the home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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