When I hear a band that sounds this fine, I wish they would do more covers.
>Will Miner

When you see them, Will, you get to hear those covers--which happen to be
some of their most dynamic numbers, and are probably the cause of some of
the comments about the Damnations that might seem confusing if all you've
heard is this album as released.

The "Live Set" limited edition contains several of they key covers I'm
talking about--sweet and tough vocalized versions of "Copper Kettle" and
"John Hardy" that seem like brand new hundred year old records--and the
best, most electric, rhythmic, close harmonizing  version of Lucinda's
"Happy Woman Blues" I've heard anybody do, period.

I will admit, now, to being slighgtly disappointed with the released
CD--and I say this as an unmitigated fan.  From what you hear from the
Damnations live, to what was chosen for the record, to the version they
mixed a year ago, to the version just put out, seems to me to have worked
out in practice as a series of steps away from the original turns from
the-traditional country and blues based sounds they'd featured.  And you
have to think this was done in hopes of commercial success (entirely their
business, surely, but it's also mine not to be that excited by the choice.)
You'd have to think that because they still sound different live, at least,
last time I heard 'em. (ONe of the Austin folks--Slim?--Smilin' Jim?)
suggested yesterday that they're already PAST the sound of this record, but
will know doubt have to push it for now!

 Some of that "stolen by gypsies/Euro-ambient" sound  shows up, which for
reasons obscure to me ( continuing  odd sense of catching a wave!?) has
sometimes been the l mark of bands running like hell from
alt.country...but, by design, I'd figure, none of those very Americana
covers mentioned above made the release.

It may be as hard to decsribe why this band was "alt.coiuntry" someday as
it was to make that clear about Lone Justice...but the ballgame's far from
over, with this much talent afoot.

Now I do like the songs written for the CD...and I like the CD, all things
considered..but I  I've been telling friends the Damnations are "the best
unrecorded band in the US" for 2 years now....and I think they still are.

Barry M.

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