-----Original Message-----
From: Bluegrass music discussion. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On
Behalf Of Mary Yeomans
Sent: Friday, January 15, 1999 3:27 PM
Subject: Ralph Stanley Documentary! Bluegrass Scores Again...

     Just had a call from a Hollywood-based production company that's doing
     a Ralph Stanley documentary for TNN!  They've got most of the material
     together, have done many interviews, and will begin editing in
     February.  I didn't ask when this will be aired, but I expect it
     should be sometime in the spring, and I will ask next time I talk to

     They've even been up to Smith Ridge!  Great stuff, including family
     photos and home movies to choose from!  Be watching, it'll be a don't
     miss event.  I know all you other Stanley fans out there will be
     anxious for spring to come.

     This is the same outfit who did the Life and Times of Bill Monroe; you
     can expect another fine quality presentation, I am certain.


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