Danm, that was wierd. 
I was just reading all the comments about GLobal Media, when Bruce Paisley
(guy at Global Media) called me. I just flat out asked him what the hell was
the deal with the waiver and bla bla and are they trying to fuck over
musicians. So he said, that right now no one knows what kind of royalties need
to be paid via any internet broadcast. That is why they only want indies so
that someone like Clint Black (another cowboy he used to work with) don't come
back and raise hell. I told him that I understood there was a way that places
like TwangCast was keeping up with it, and even tho it may be small, they were
paying the fair share. So, Gobal Media does not want anyone to be pissed at
them. It sounds like they are trying to get some exposure for bands, and he
says that he is checking into everything to find out with BMI/ASCAP etc. He
said the waiver is to cover their asses that the material is indeed original,
and they don't want to hagle with majo labels and all the red tape with them,
but they do want to pay the artists for what they use.
So there ya go. Do you think he is talking out of both sides? 
And by the way, he is probably listening to TwangCast right now!!!!!!!!
Dang, it's a small world!

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