Marie said:

>Does anyone else hear
>strains of the Minutemen in Hadacol? There was something
>vaguely familiar about the vocals. I thought that it might be X, 
>but then it hit me - D Boone. Am I crazy? Does anyone else
>hear it?

I only hear D. Boon in the way they sing the first line of Somebody Lied.
The vocals strain just like D. used that stuff. Love this album
too...reminds me of some sort of BoRox/Jayhawks mix--ballsy mostly
mid-tempo rockers. In fact, so far I like it better than the Damnations
album, which I really do enjoy--particularly the harmonies. But I'm
bugged by the lack of instrumental flair on the Damnations record...seems
like the songs are completely vocally oriented. Once the vocals end, so
does the song, often within seconds...which is OK, just doesn't feel like
a **band**. I bet they're a lot better live.

Steve Kirsch

np: Sebadoh--"The Sebadoh" (this isn't grabbing me yet either on listen
#2, which I find hard to believe....I'm particularly unimpressed by
Jason's songs...hope that changes with more listens)

"I've been thinking with my guts since I was 14 years old, and, frankly
between you and me, I have come to the conclusion that my guts have shit
brains." -- Nick Hornby, "High Fidelity"

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