Dan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>>      He's a little too limited in the sound and type of songs he writes
Social Distortion, but I wouldn't put anything past the guy.  If this thing
really gonna be an acoustic folkish-country record I'll be there the day
released.  <<

A little more insight on Mr. Ness's upcoming solo thing.  He's got Chris
Lawrence (ex-Neon Angels) whose currently doing axe-man duty as part of
Cisco's Reasons Why band playing guitar on it which tells me there's going
to be some serious twang going on.

And speaking of Mr. Lawrence, he and his pal Cisco were damn impressive at
the NEA in Nashville this weekend.  Definitely have that Dwight Yoakam thing
going, but with a harder edge to it all.  Unfortunately, they were somewhat
of a last minute addition and not many folks in the Gibson Guitar Cafe to
see them on Friday night.

Another impressive twanger was Mark Insley who also hails from the Southern
Calif. neck of the woods.  He had a pretty fine record out a year or so ago
on Country Music Town Records.  Reminds of sort of a cross between
Lauderdale and Ricky Nelson.  Also didn't hurt a bit that he had Tim Carroll
guesting on guitar.  Called Rosie on stage during his Wolfy's gig and they
did a duet on "Sin City" that'd make you melt.  

Boudin Dan

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