>>> Buddy Ghost Rocket pontificates... >>>

<<Now...if we could only get some of these folks to make pilgrimages together
out once in awhile to see some of us "small fry" like the afore-mentioned
Star City, or Elena Skye, or the Alphabet City Opry, or even...yes, dammit,
the Ghost Rockets! <insert dramatic crescendo, cymbal crashes>

Y'all come out once in a while & say howdy, okay?  We've all had our shots,
like to meet new faces, won't steal your girlfriends, brush after every
meal...& besides, you never know when you'll have to pay the Big Bucks to
see one of us at Che Stadium (named after the famed Cuban guerilla leader,
Che Stadium) & you missed your opportunity to see us for free at the Rodeo
Bar or for $3 at 9C...>>

--Yeah, what he said. I'll take it one step further and give you a list of the shows 
and bands I know about. Print out the e-mail and come down to some, or all, if you can.

Elena Skye & the Demolition String Band:

5/2    Maxwell's in Hoboken w/ Damnations
5/12  Mercury Lounge w/ Cigar Store Indians
1st & 3rd Tuesdays of every month @ 9C

Star City

5/6   Mercury Lounge w/ Josh Clayton/Jude
5/27 Rodeo Bar, 2 sets all by ourselves
5/29  123 Plesant St, Morgantown, WV w/ Muckafergason
(we've still got dates pending for Memorial Day weekend. Anybody need a good roots 
rock band for their BBQ?)

The Ghost Rockets 

These guys just posted their dates earlier today, I accidentally earsed it before I 
printed. Can anybody repost or something? 

Hank Williams Lonesome Cheatin' Hearts Club Band

They have a standing gig every Sunday at Parkside Lounge

The Hangdogs

Everybody should also check these guys out any chance they get. They do a lot of shows 
at Rodeo and elsewhere. I think they just got back from a tour of Italy. One of the 
best live bands I've seen, no joke. Make sure you're ready to drink.

I know there are other NYC roots outfits out there, I'm just blanking right now. 
Anyone care to add anything?


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