1999-04-02 Thread Erin Snyder
OH, GOD! OH, GOD! I'm so sorry!! That long attachment and everythingOh, woe is me. Guess I'm getting booted to the "ignore" file. Really, a million apologies everyone. Gosh, and my first post in months yet. Ohhh...Ohhh... *moan* Erin


1999-04-02 Thread Ph. Barnard
Don't worry, Erin. We're way too quick for the old "attachment" scam. I just deleted that one without looking g. Good to see you on the list, though. --junior


1999-04-02 Thread Carl Abraham Zimring
Erin, I'm just amazed that you're offering to join yet another band. For those of you who aren't aware, it is a violation of Pittsburgh's municipal code to start a twang band that does not have Erin Snyder playing bass in it. The Strangers are OK because she's an emeritus member, but I think