At 06:35 AM 1/14/99 -0800, Stuart wrote:
>You can get free email accounts all over the place now of course, which
is >one solution to this.  And I can see where spam might be a problem, although >to 
date, I've really never had much of problem.  Once in a 
while something >comes through.  And since I'm not at all cautious 
about leaving my email >address around the planet, I don't understand 
why I don't get more, while >Mark Wyatt is apparently on every porn 
mailer in the U.S. and Denmark.

The key to receiving spam, it seems, is to post to newsgroups with an unmunged e-mail 
address.  I inadvertently did that a few weeks ago and 
now my spam quotient is up from once or twice a week to once or twice 
a day.

But as I understand it, the spam-bots have also been scanning web sites
for valid e-mail addresses... so I, too, don't want my e-mail address
available on a web site where anyone can get ahold of it.

Also, sometimes when you visit a web site they're using tools that
can find your address and other information about you, and later may 
send you unsolicited e-mail...

If you want to see what web sites are able to find out about you
when you visit, click here:
See also
This anonymous web surfing site tells some of the same information:
And for another revealing look (about security)...


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