I pose this to all P2 HNC watchers.  A rare Sat. nite off for the band AND alone, gets me to watching TNN's Opry and then the replay of the 65th Anniversary of the OPry special, and that's gets me to thinking,
Is there a suddenly noticeable set of changes taking place in the industry whereby ;
1.  Artists are leaving labels in search of more artistic control, and getting what they want. 
2.  The majors (the smart ones) are quietly signing or pursuing from the "Austin contingent" (and others) the more traditional style artists.
3.  TNN/CBS has realized the demo they need to program to and are moving in that direction with the "Century" which has started well,  More "Life and Times of..." trad stars, repeats with an emphasis on earlier material, example, tonight with T Byrd doing a Price/Bush medley on the Opry with Kelly Willis and the special with a decided trad bent.
It all seems to me someone has decided trad is back big time so lets get with it.  More trad material coming to radio too. Percentage wise up a lot from 2-3 years ago.
Killin time but I'd like to know if it's just me or does anyone else see this and why aren't more folks writing about it.
Mike Hays
http://www.TwangCast.com  TM  RealCountry  24 X 7
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