Hey kids;
           Just wanted to chime in and say that I ventured out into the still-
cold-but-starting-to-melt St. Louis muck last night and saw one of Gateway
City's finest.  Probably nothing earthshocking to impart that any of you
who've seen OFS live, but they did deliver a pretty sharp 50 or so minutes of
excellent folk-slash-bluegrass-slash-pop music which they do a really good job
at.   Lead vocalist Cheryl Stryker sounded great as always, as did the rest of
'em.  I even met my first P2'er ever, rhythm player John Wendland, and he
didn't even threaten me with any used Garth CD's or force any deadly Aquavit
down my throat (nor did I upon him...<g>).
         Anyway, the coolest part was they featured several solid new songs
last night, and supposedly are even venturing over to Europe to rape and
pillage and convert unsuspecting Europeans to the gospel according to Swoop.
Hopefully he'll even turn up here on the list to give us the lowdown on those
developments and to offer some explanation as to how they became huge in

Dan "it's okay to spam the list every once in a while as long as the band
you're in is damn good" Bentele

p.s.  I met Roy Kasten also and asked him to rejoin the list but he begged off
claiming writer's block...<g>


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