> The sirens have faded into the distance. Now, is the time to write the
> review of the live in-studio performance of The Bystanders on the Fringe
> this weekend.

Thanks, Shane, for your oh-so-too-kind words. We had a blast. And I'm glad
"both of your listeners" enjoyed it, too. It's good to know that something
more was accomplished than just causing a crime wave in Anderson Co. and
getting Brandon banned from all Dunkin' Donuts in the Knoxville metro area.

A note to all musician types headed Knoxville way: while the Krispy Kreme
drive thru is open 24 hours, don't think that you can just waltz into DD's
with a fresh KK's glazed hanging out of your kisser and order a cup of joe
-- a curse on both their houses!

> (Note to other future guests: I do *not* exaggerate the size of our
> 16-foot camper with the DJ booth crammed into the closet and the DJ
> in the bathroom door to broadcast.)
> I want to say that anyone who gets the chance to see the Bystanders
> or have them as guests on their show, should simply do so. The band
> showcased some excellent songwriting, along with a bright alt.country
> heavily flavored at times by the Costello/Parker school of British pop.

I've got a warm and fuzzy feeling ... who's it for?

But seriously, the WDVX camper was an experience -- not just that, but a
good experience. I have been in many radio stations in my day, but never
have I been in a camper so full of joy as I was on Saturday night. And the
tape sounds good, to hear our mando player tell it (don't worry, you'll be
getting a copy Shane -- as long as I get a copy of you-know-what).

I want to encourage any of y'all who are thinking about playing Knoxville
to beg, borrow, or payola your way onto Shane's show. Unlike most broadcast
hosts I've dealt with, he not only enjoys and is knowledgable about the
music, he has the good sense to encourage musicians to have a good time
rather than tense up in front of the live mic -- you don't get much looser
than we were Sat. night.

>I *will* be counted among the audience members when
> the Bystanders perform at the Long Branch Saloon this Friday (with the
> Criers, whom they are very much fond of).

And we're holding you to that. And so are the Town Criers, of whom we are
quite fond. (and their demo tape sounds mighty doggone good, too). BTW:
this is the inaugural show for my baritone gee-tar ... I'm sure folks at
the LB (and up to 7 miles away ... you've only heard us acoustically --
just you wait!) will enjoy!

Rob Russell
Johnson City, TN

> From: Shane S. Rhyne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: passenger side <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Playlist: The Fringe 1/23/99 featuring THE BYSTANDERS!
> Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 7:43 PM

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