> They were on the bill at Sid Griffin's Gram Parsons tribute show at the
> Garage here last autumn and performed, if memory serves,"Hot Burritto 1".
> The word is that the show's coming out on video quite soon. It's definitely
> worth seeing as an example of how do these things properly. There was also
> Peter Bruntnell doing "Kiss The Children", and Larry Love from Alabama 3
> deconstructing "In My Hour Of Darkness", aside from Sid and the Porters.
> Nick West
> Bucketfull Of Brains
> PO Box 11301, London WC1H 8HF
> 44(0)171 916 4661 (phone/fax)

The Coal Porters set from that night last September is out on CD this month 
on Prima Records, with a video to follow in a month or two. I don't know of 
any plans by anyone else to release material by the other acts on the bill.

Phil Dennison ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Sid Griffin website -

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