Neal, friend to the stars, wrote:

> Terry, I'll pretty much agree with you there. I tend to lean
> toward Train because it's a little less-defined, more far-reaching,
> a trait I love so much about Earle. Mountain is really nice, but I
> can't help but look at it as kind of a side-gig project, not quite
> the essential Earle as, say, Train and Corazon, imho, of course. 

I'll third that emotion. So far, I'm digging the record, but it's not 
inspiring me to play it, oh, 42 times a day like new Earle releases 
typically do. The playing and singing on it are great, but I miss the 
adventuresome nature of his other records, and some of the songs 
sound a little forced, like he was trying too hard to write  bluegrass 

I'm really wondering if he's going to burn himself out -- he 
supposedly has seven or eight songs already recorded for the new 
record. Historically, very few people can churn out that many songs 
in so short a time and have the quality stand up. CCR, Dylan, and 
Costello come to mind. Hell, Earle's already ripping himself off 
pretty badly in spots. 

Rhode Island and Detroit -- two 12-seeds -- in the sweet 16. You 
heard it here first.


Northern Ky Roots Music:

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