At 02:32 PM 1/14/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>I heard a cut from an album called "No Electric Guitars" (I think), with the
>>lead singer of Marah doing a cover of Springsteen's Streets of Philadelphia.
>>Somebody from the Rolling Hayseeds was on it too. Each member of the group
>>does 2 covers and an original, That is all I know about it. Does anybody
>>know anything about the who, what where and when of this?
>>Thom Wodock
>Haven't seen it publicized here in Phila., but would love to hear what you
>find out...Kevin from the Hayseeds is on P2, or at least has been in the
>past, I believe.

15 track disc on Record Cellar Production label. All the participants do
two orginals and a cover. Featured are Dave Bielanko (Marah), Rich Kaufmann
(Rolling Hayseeds), Frank brown (Buzz Zeemer), Mike Brewer (The Low Road)
and Gerry McGoldrick (Emily Valentine).


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