On Fri, 26 Mar 1999, Stuart Munro wrote:

> Sorry, but how does it follow from Rebecca's objecting to the wholesale
> slaughter of Bosnians and Kosovians that she's "full of hate?"  And what
> in her post--which was quite civil, by my reading--suggested the same?

Again, if y'all wanna talk about Kosovo, please take it to private email.
Or find a more appropriate mailing list or newsgroup.  I'm tired of
hearin' from people who have unsubbed from P2 due to an abundance of
totally off-topic posts.  I'm happy to let threads stray occasionally, and
I think it's wonderful when we connect the more specific concerns of this
list to larger cultural, social or political issues, but the above has
nothing whatsoever to do with P2.  Please, people, show some courtesy, and
quit abusing this forum and your fellow P2ers' valuable time.--don

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