Since this year is my first time at SXSW I have a few questions for you

--How close to on-schedule do the venues stay? I'm curious 'cause some
nights I may try to see one band at one place and another down the street
at another venue, which brings me to question #2:

--Is it even feasible to try to go to two, or even three, venues in one
night if they're reasonably close to each other?? For example, if on
Friday night I decide to see Slobberbone at midnight at Maggie Mae's and
then at 1 am head to Freakwater (no comments from the peanut gallery:))
at Jazz Bon Temps Room a block down the street is that even do-able? Will
I even get in the door for the second show, or do I have to decide in
advance which place to go and just stay there for the evening?

--any of you Austinites know anything about the band called "...and you
will know them by the trail of dead"??? I'm intrigued by the name. :)

Steve Kirsch

"I've been thinking with my guts since I was 14 years old, and, frankly
between you and me, I have come to the conclusion that my guts have shit
brains." -- Nick Hornby, "High Fidelity"

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