
I have the following setup:

new postfixserver: sandmann.biz
legacy email system: kosmann.net (I am not root here.)

one email each: oli...@sandmann.biz

normally every mail going to the old oli...@kosmann.net is
copy-forwarded to the new mail oli...@sandmann.biz. I keep a copy of
every mail locally at oli...@kosmann.net, just to be sure and not to
loose a single mail.

Everything works fine!

When I send mail from oli...@sandmann.biz to my old address
oli...@kosmann.net, it should be delivered there locally and this mail
should be forwarded to oli...@sandmann.biz and should then be delivered
locally here, too.

Partial success:
The first local delivery takes place at oli...@kosmann.net

While trying to forward the mail to oli...@sandmann.biz it gets rejected
with the following error:
    SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<oli...@sandmann.biz>:
    host mail.sandmann.biz []: 553 5.7.1 <oli...@sandmann.biz>:
    Sender address rejected: not logged in

I think I understand the underlying problem. Such mails try to do
desired and valid roundtrip starting at oli...@sandmann.biz and ending
at oli...@sandmann.biz, too. It seems that the From-line stating
oli...@sandmann.biz as the original sender while the mail returns to
oli...@sandmann.biz triggers an authentication check but as this mail is
in the forwarding process from kosmann.net to sandmann.biz no user
authentication can take place.

Does anybody have a clue, how to fix this problem?

Thank you in advance.


Oliver Sandmann

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