Hey ho everybody

We at sogis are looking for a way to convert arcs (curves) to lines without 
producing slivers and overlaps of adjacent geometries sharing the same arc. It 
is very important for us to find a postgis solution as postgis is the "working 
horse" in all our automatic data transformation processes.
We looked at all available postgis functions and could not find a solution.


-      arcs.png: The geometries as stored in the postgresql table: lower left: 
two adjacent Polygon's / upper right: one Multipolygon with two adjacent parts 
in it.

-      stroked.png: The output when using ST_CurveToLine (The same when forcing 
right hand rule before calling ST_CurveToLine)

Thanks for your thoughts - Maybe will see some of you at FOSSGIS in Passau, 
will give a presentation there...

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